Apr 102020

Via Local Commie Underlings, Beijing Officially Disapproves

The Chinese consulate general in Australia was annoyed that the Daily Telegraph newspaper made mention of the Chinese Communist’s responsibilities for the current crisis. Rather shockingly for modern Western media, the newspaper actually called out Commie bullcrap and told the ChiComs to shove it.

And for the polar opposite:

Nature magazine apologises for reports linking Covid-19 with China

The Kung Flu is not just a problem, it’s an opportunity. In fact, a whole bunch of opportunities. A major opportunity is to withdraw industry and trade from China. Dunk them into a generations-long depression and restore western industrial might… a win-win. Another opportunity is to clean house locally. Editorial boards who knuckle under to Commies can now be easily seen, and should be invited to explore new career opportunities in the food service or hoboing professions.

 Posted by at 1:36 am