Apr 082020

Bernie Sanders took a good, hard look at the Wuhan Flu and realized that since it is doing a fantastic job of trashing the US economy *and* in sowing misery and death, his campaign for the Presidency was redundant. Instead he can simply sit back and watch the disease from Communist China do the job his policies would have done.

Bernie Sanders drops out of the 2020 race, clearing Joe Biden’s path to the Democratic nomination

While it’s good to shuffle this old Marxist off the stage, the fact that he got as close as he did points out how badly the US educational system has fallen down on the job in the last generation or two. History and civics classes should do a better job of pointing out to the kiddies that socialism and fascism are barely discernible ideologies on most metrics, and that the Holocaust and the Holodomor are less opposite side of the same coin than they are the same side of the same coin.

 Posted by at 3:01 pm