Oct 072009

This is not the best photo, but time is short and it’ll do the job. Below you can see the parts after they’ve been 3-D “printed” and cleaned up & finished by yours truly. They are now boxed up for shipment to Fantastic Plastic. What’s shown below is not a complete kit, but instead the unique parts. Some parts will be cast multiple times… two boats, 4 taxies, 3 turret bays & turrets, etc. The pistons will be provided by way of lengths of tubing, the pusher plate by a  sheet of plastic to be trimmed to shape (casting a resin pusher plate in scale would have been nightmarish, given that it’s be thin as cardstock).

When the parts were briefly assembled, it looked to be a fairly meaty, impressive kit.


 Posted by at 7:09 pm

  4 Responses to “1/288 Orion Battleship Model Parts”

  1. What a great morning wake-up

  2. I’m sorry, I’d like to hijack this post to ask Scott what he thinks of JP Aerospace and their balloon airship to orbit idea. Did they ever reveal the secret sauce that they claimed would make their idea workable? I remember them saying that everybody was missing something obvious in their criticisms of the airship to orbit idea.

  3. See, I think that when their balloons get up really high, they’re going to be snagged by those electromagnetically rotating tethers by that guy from Georgia.

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