Aug 272019

I asked this before. trying again.

So let’s say you find something planet-sized in deep space, but magically it’s not spherical. Let’s say… it’s a pretzel. It’s a pretzel 10,000 kilometers wide made out of solid tungsten, kept from collapsing into a sphere due to Magic Structural Materials. Just go with it, folks. Something that big and that massive would have a terribly complex gravity field nearby. And I want to try to model it. Does anyone know of a program that would do this? It seems to me that what it’d need to be is a basic 3D CAD modeler that you build the object in, then the computer chops the model up into a thousand or ten thousand or however many individual chunks and calculates the force and vector of gravity from each chunk to each point in space and does the vector analysis. The concept is simple enough, but the coding is beyond me.

Might be possible to integrate a CAD model into Excel in some way to work out the 3D coordinates for all the chunks, I dunno. But it also seems like an obvious enough idea that it seems like it aught to already be a subroutine in some extant CAD program.

Who can hook a brother up?


 Posted by at 12:49 am