Aug 262019

Most of Monday, the website was either very reluctant to come up or didn’t come up at all; the blog surprisingly was a bit more resilient, but from time to time it, too, failed to load. The web host says this was due to “server issues.” Meh. Things *seem* to be back up and running now.

I received a few “WTF?” emails. Obviously if the blog is down I can’t post “hey, the blog is down” on the blog. But I do wonder if it might perhaps be time to finally hold my nose and sign up for Twitter or some such? Use it *solely* as sort of a mirror for the blog, posting links to the latest blog posts… and updates about the blog when it goes down, which it seems to do with irritating regularity.

I do have the APR Facebook page but holy carp I hate using Facebook.

Not sure if it would be worth the soul crushing horror that comes with using Twitter to create such a Twitter account, especially considering that I will undoubtedly wind up getting deplatformed from Twitter eventually. Thoughts?

NOTE: A few times the blog has gone down I’ve gotten emails asking if I was dead or something. For future reference, I have no immediate plans to shuffle off this mortal coil, so if I die, the way it will be reflected on the blog is that it will stop being updated, and will remain up until the web host gets annoyed at the lack of payment.

 Posted by at 9:52 pm