Oct 012009

I think this might be one of the best photos I’ve ever taken  (actually about a dozen photos merged into a single panorama, but you get the idea):


Below is a link to a “fixed” version of the same view. The latest version of Paint Shop Pro has a “photo fix” option that supposedly makes photos all better. It’s certainly brighter at any rate. Lemme know if you think the “fixed” version is in fact better. What do I know of such things?


 Posted by at 12:24 am

  5 Responses to “Mantua Reservoir”

  1. “Fixed” version looks a little bit *too* fixed in my opinion… makes me want to scratch my eyeballs out. But it does pull out a bit of detail that is muted in the original. If I had Photoshop installed I’d play with blending the two images and probably arrive at a happy medium somewhere between the two. Does that PSP “photo fix” thing have some kind of power adjustment?

  2. I like the sky in the ‘unfixed’ version a bit more. The ‘fixed’ version seems to have more detail in the hills. Can you enhance only parts of the image?

  3. Nice damned pic!!! Like both, the unfixed is a bit “dimmer” but not much. My question is, is that SNOW, already? Where the hell did summer go?

  4. > is that SNOW, already?

    Yup. Day before it was 85 degrees.

    > Where the hell did summer go?

    The dog ate it:

  5. Well done!


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