It’s interesting to watch how different locations deal with domestic terrorism In Portland, Oregon, Antifa essentially has free reign to do what they like and harm whom they wish; the mayor is on their side – or is at least cowed by them – and makes sure the cops give them a pass. But over the past few days the news here in Utah has covered a somewhat similar protest In Salt Lake City where the mayor (Jackie Biskupski… remember, she’s not just a Democract, she’s a *gay* Democrat) wasn’t having it. The response by the cops was less “let them do what they want” and more “Oy, what’s all this then?”
The source of the trouble is a little hard to suss out. In short, an “inland port” is in the early stages of being built in an undeveloped area of Salt Lake County. What’s controversial about that? Nothing that I can see, but then, this is Current Year and there are people who freakin’ *live* to find things to be offended by. Consequently, a place to unload cargo is now, somehow, racist. And so a pack of feral hipstery Antifa-wannabees came out and “occupied” the Chamber of Commerce. In true Klantifa fashion, they used violence to try to shut down the news media, attakign a few cameramen. The local government let them protest and bang their drums and make a nuisance of themselves for a while until they started getting rowdy, then the local PD said “enough” and cleaned them out.
Some news coverage is here. Watch the video, it’s interesting… especially Budget Hermione Grainger, somehow the organizer of this little shindig, explaining how they’re all innocence and light. It’s clearly a foreign conspiracy, likely the Queen trying to sow dissent so that her forces can reclaim the Colonies for the Crown. But of great importance is that the local government, including the Governor of the state of Utah, aren’t shying away from the truth:
“Borderline terrorism,” Gov. Herbert called the protest.
In contrast, check out this video from the always mellow and entirely safe for work Razorfist, describing and showing some of the more egregious nonsense the Portland government did in allowing Klantifa to run wild in their streets: