May 302019

Twitter is eroding your intelligence. Now there’s data to prove it.

Using Twitter reduced performance on the test by about 25 to 40 percent of a standard deviation from the average result, as the paper explains.

Color me stunned that trying to get educated via Twitter leads to dumbnification compared to traditional teaching methods.

Notably, the decline was sharpest among higher-achieving students, including women, those born in Italy and those who had scored higher on a baseline test.

It seems that Twitter doens’t just make everyone dumber, it is more effective at reducing the intelligence of smart people. A groundless speculation on my part is that it erodes away at the frosting-like extra smartness on top of the cake that is the basic human animal. If you don’t have that much to begin with, Twitter doesn’t have that much to work with.

This finding, the paper notes, bolsters the conclusion that blogs and social networking sites actively impair performance, rather than simply failing to augment learning.

Hey. HEY! This here blog is Teh Smartness. But by all means, avoid “social media,” especially Twitter. And for Odin’s sake, avoid at all cost any celebrity or especially “journalist” who seems to get their data from Twitter. And someone *please* take that damn thing away from Trump.

I’ve never been tempted to sign up for Twitter. Now I know that I are the smart.


 Posted by at 5:30 pm