May 302019

I don’t exactly pay a whole lot of attention to Australian politics. But I gather that there was a national election there recently where the non-communists won and as a result, the local Ozzie SJWs melted down. So on the one hand, I guess it’s good to see that America isn’t uniquely cursed by the existence of these overly-dramatic crazy people who scream that every example of democracy that doesn’t go exactly their way is proof that their nation is run by Nazis. It’s always comforting to find that you are not alone. But on the other hand, this also means that this particularly horrible brand of SJW is perhaps prevalent world-wide, and that the damage they do to discourse, to culture and to *lives* is perhaps universal, indicating that the entire world may be in a spot of bother.

Language is a tad NSFW. so if you work in an office filled with leftist fascists… well, I’m not going to suggest that you hack into the PA system and play this at substantial volume, but if you do so, try to film the result.

 Posted by at 11:48 am