May 292019

So I was working on the computer yesterday, doing some 3D computer modelling of a vehicle for the next issue of US Launch Vehicle Projects. I was tapping away at the computer, getting more and more into it (yes, sometimes I can become terribly engrossed in my work), and I absently turned on the TV for some background noise. I paid zero attention to the TV for some extended period. Coulda been an infomercial, coulda been a televangelist, coulda been a sitcom; didn’t pay it any mind. As it turns out it was CNN. At some point I glanced up from my work and became transfixed by what I was suddenly hearing. It was truly astonishing.

What it was was a press conference by Amanda Eller, a hiker who disappeared for 17 days in the forests of Hawaii. Normally I’d pay little attention. And normally I’d pay a Regular Schmoe a whole lot of slack when it comes to saying ridiculous things. But what I heard, at least for the few minutes I was stuck listening before I could tear myself away and stab furiously at the “turn it off, turn it off!” button on the remote, was mind-shredding self-involved newage spiritualist nonsense.

I won’t be surprised if this turns out to be another Balloon Boy.

In the video below, I first started noticing it on the TV at about the 30-minute mark.

Fortunately the Magickal Crystal Dumb Rays lost their hold on me after just a few minutes… but I see from the video that it went on for another *hour.*

 Posted by at 12:56 pm