Sep 222009

Kirk Cameron – former actor, current snake-oil salesman – has for some years been peddling a particularly offensive form of religion-based scientific denialism. One of his more famous “proofs” (given with some goober named “Roy Comfort”) of why evolution was wrong and Creationism was right was, and I kid you not, that the banana fits so perfectly in the human hand. And they are right… the banana *is* the result of “intelligent design.” But they are wrong in who they think that intelligent designer was…. it was actually mankind, with the help of some random and *recent* mutations.
But hey, what are “facts” to stand in the way of a cheesy propaganda campaign? Camerons latest stroke of genius has been to take the public domain book by Charles Darwin “The Origin of Species” and re-publish it with a 50-page introduction. This intro trots out the hoary old Creationist chestnuts, like linking Darwin to Hitler… always good for a laugh given that Hitler was himself a “creationist.”

But hey, why read me yammering on about this, when you can watch a video of a hot chick with a hot accent tearing Cameron and his nonsense to shreds?


 Posted by at 12:02 pm

  3 Responses to “Origin of Stupidity”

  1. Gold/greed is not the root of all evil. Organized religion is.

  2. That was awesome. And not just because the woman was hot. I posted it to FaceBook. 🙂

  3. Once a religion becomes “organized” (in the institutional sense that is) “gold” (financial power) and “greed” (secular power) tend to combine as an “additional motivation” to gathering a large population into the ‘fold’ of the religion.
    Having more worshippers is an obvious “proof” that “my-God’s-better-than-your-God” and once you have secular power (financial and otherwise) and if you can get the “powers-that-be” to back you, the process of combining Church-and-State becomes so much more easier. Which in the end allows you to end up making yourself the “only” game in town.

    Once THAT happens you WIN! Don’t you? :o)


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