Feb 242019

You *know* that there are people dumb enough to go along with this.

Legislators Propose Replacing All Spacecraft With High-Speed Trains By 2030

WASHINGTON, D.C.—A new environmental proposal would have the US replace all public and private spacecraft with high-speed trains by the year 2030, reports confirmed Thursday.

“We are wasting so much rocket fuel to generate the thrust necessary to leave Earth’s orbit when we could just build a train track all the way to Mars or Jupiter,” said a lobbyist for the train industry. “And just think about how pleasant a ride from Earth to Mars would be, coasting along the space tracks at 200 miles per hour for the next 193 years.”

The initial proposal would only cost approximately $10,000 trillion, according to a representative of one environmental think tank in D.C. “This is really a bargain when you think about it,” she said, pointing to a complex series of calculations she had performed on a LeapFrog laptop. “Besides, we can just print money to pay for it. Or maybe have a bake sale or something.”

Now, can you think of anyone dimwitted enough to actually suggest anything like this? Hmmm…

 Posted by at 2:08 am