Feb 232019

The very latest in Stalinism chic sez:

I have some suggestions.

1: Nukes. And lots of them.

2: Solar power is great. Let’s start building solar power plants on an industrial scale. On the moon.

3: Make birth control free, easy and mandatory in the poor regions not only of America, but the world. Norplant free with every welfare check or EBT card.

4: Start terraforming Mars. Begin work on converting asteroids into independent space habitats. The best way to make sure that the environment remains good is to create as much environment as possible.

5: Devote substantial funds to perfecting thermal depolymerization. Industrialise it.  Hook TDP plants up to every municipal waste treatment and garbage system; pay rent to food production facilities to park a TDP plant on site and convert waste products into petroleum.

6: Incentivize colleges and universities to take the funds currently being spent on racial and gender studies and instead devote those funds to nuclear, electrical and industrial engineering.

7: Start splitting public schools apart. Use schools to educate the educatable. Start up trade schools starting in, say, the 4th grade for those who would benefit from that rather than learning about Shakespeare, algebra and the Diet of Worms. Create a manual labor force starting in the 6th grade for those too thuggish and dull witted to be good fits in either of the school systems; use them to replace illegal aliens. While this is not *immediately* of obvious “climate crisis” value, the result will be that exceptional students will get exceptional educations; others will receive useful skills training, and all will be able to go about their day free from the disruptions, bullying and criminality of the worst members of their generation. This sort of thing will benefit *every* aspect of society.

8: Revise the penal system. For some violent offenders, exchange sentences of “years” with sentences of “kilowatt hours.”  Put them on stationary bikes hooked up to generators. Measure their output, subtract the energy value of the food they eat and the utilities and other resources they consume. Let them out when their books balance with their sentence.

 Posted by at 8:02 pm