Jul 202018

Please, PLEASE… someone convince the DNC  to use the same talent that made sure Hillary their nominee last time to make sure Maxine Waters is their nominee in 2020. The election season will be EPIC.

Maxine Waters supporters burn American flag outside California rep’s office

The photographs with the article (and in THIS article) are iconic.

What happened: the “Oath Keepers” had said that they were going to go to Rep. Waters’ office to protest *her.* Around 100 “counter protestors” showed up in advance and the Oath Keepers, apparently in communication with the police tasked with keeping the peace, decided to *not* show up. But the counter protestors couldn’t let an opportunity to express their hate go to waste, so they (apparently) stole an American flag from a nearby pickup truck, doused it with lighter fluid that they just happened to have on hand (and who among us can say they don’t walk around with canisters of volatile flammable fluids when they are planning on attending political functions?), set it on fire, stomped on it, chanted anti-American slogans and basically filmed Donald Trumps next campaign ad for him.

Now, I don’t know if the Oath Keepers bailed at the request of the cops, or if they bailed because they couldn’t gin up enough internal support, or what. But I’d *like* to think that at least a few of their leaders have finally figured out how politicking is done in this new era: trolling. Whether they planned this in advance or not, they and other non-leftist organizations should learn from it and use the lesson. In the future, announce you’re going to go protest XYZ. And then… sometimes show up, sometimes not. Perhaps keep an eye on the place and if it looks like you are massively outnumbered, don’t show up. Let the other side have the day.  And let them make fools of themselves in front of a thousand cameras. If you not showing up is enough to make the other side decide to burn the American flag… your job is DONE.

 Posted by at 4:20 pm