Jul 272016

Just in from standing in my front yard. This is a pastime that might not make sense to city dwellers… but if you live out in the dark-sky sticks like me, you probably understand the appeal of observing the Milky Way and satellites and such. A particularly good night comes equipped with meteors, and tonight had a good ‘un. Starting at about the zenith heading east, bright orange and moving *relatively* slow. Thus maybe de-orbiting space junk. It crossed a *lot* of the sky, enough to give hope of seeing it smack into the mountains, but it did burn out well before then. But just before it burned out it broke up into several major bits.


And *last* night I saw, on roughly the same west-to-east course, several simultaneous meteors, coming in side by side, spread apart somewhat wider than  the full moon.

UPDATE: seems it was the Chinese putting on a fireworks display:

‘Space junk’ lights up Utah sky

 Posted by at 10:39 pm