Mar 112015

There were a *lot* of people at today’s test, far more than I expected after the rather paltry number from the last test in 2011. I had three cameras… a point-n-click for zoomed-in video, the Nikon for telephoto stills and the cell phone for wide-angle video. Like a damn chucklehead I managed to screw up the cellphone video… when the time came to start recording, I hit the frackin’ *off* button. D’oh. So the wide-field video starts something like 10 seconds into the test rather than several seconds before. Gah.

Anyway, here’s the P-n-C video:

There seemed to be a second or two’s delay on ignition, or the countdown clock (dutifully recited by a group of nearby children)  was a little fast.

 Posted by at 3:01 pm