May 052009

<> Yeah, it’s pretty much time for the British people to roll up their current government and stash them away in a looney bin, and replace them with something less monumentally stupid. Behold:From The Independent

Sixteen people banned from entering the UK were “named and shamed” by the Home Office today.

Home Secretary Jacqui Smith said she decided to make public the names of 16 people banned since October so others could better understand what sort of behaviour Britain was not prepared to tolerate. … The list of the 16 “least wanted” includes radio talk show host Michael Savage, real name Michael Weiner.

Michael Savage???

Any nation has the right to exclude whoever the hell it wants from its shores. Only a citizen has the right to actually be within a country; it’s a priveledge for non-citizens, one which can be taken away on a whim at a moments notice. However, a nation should have some sort of *sense* in who it allows in, and who it excludes. And Britain seems to have gone stupid when it comes to making these decisions. Recently there’s been a scandal over the British government making things essentially impossible for Gurkhas who served in the Brit military to take up residence in britain… that’s just nuts. While at the same time, the Brits not only allow Jihadists to stay, they give them welfare, at the British taxpayers expense. From the Daily Mail:

article-1174653-04bca2d4000005dc-48_468x466_popup.jpeg article-1174653-04bcd7c5000005dc-328_468x389_popup.jpeg

The British government, in releasing the list of 16 people it’s excluding, says it’s “naming and shaming” them. Well, I’ve heard Michael Savage a few times. I don’t much care for him; he reminds me far too much of the talentless, screeching Leftist dirtbags that populate Air America. But this will not “shame” him. Hell, he’ll get off on this… this is Good News for his career. He’ll be able to use this for a little short of forever on his show.

Y’all want to keep him out? Fine. But is he *really* as big a danger to Britain as many of the people y’all let stay?

“Come on in! The door’s always open to you lot!”


The Daily Mail adds this:


Abu Qatada

Abu Quatada

Osama Bin Laden’s top man in the UK. He is in jail fighting an attempt to extradite him to Jordan on terrorism charges.

Learco Chindamo

Learco Chindamo

The 28-year-old, who killed headmaster Stephen Lawrence in 1995, is free to stay in the UK after lawyers claimed that deportation to Italy would ‘breach his right to a family life’.

Ahsan Sabri

Ahsan Sabri

A Pakistani illegal immigrant who killed a young writer by driving into her at 60mph, he cannot be deported due to his human right to a family life. Sabri, who had been driving uninsured and unlicenced had married a British woman.

Caliph Ali Asmar

Caliph Ali Asmar

Iraqui Kurd asylum seeker jailed for two years for unlawful wounding. After serving eight months he was released and went on to rape a woman and stab a love rival. He is now in jail indefinitely.

Gary Glitter

Gary Glitter

Real name Paul Gadd, he served almost three years in prison in Vietnam for sex crimes involving two young girls. The former pop star, who returned to the UK in August,  also served two months in jail in 1999 for possessing child pornography.

Controversial euthanasia activist Dr Philip Nitschke, dubbed Dr Death

Dr Philip Nitschke

The euthanasia activist was dubbed ‘Dr Death’ after bringing the first of his suicide workshops to the UK today. Nitschke has helped four people die in his native Australia, but in the UK assisted

 Posted by at 11:31 am

  8 Responses to “Britsh government jumps the shark”

  1. Hell, all the best of England left in the 1600s, then the second best all died in the Napoleonic Wars, then the 3rd best died in WWI, so, basically, England has been up the spout for 400 years. At least they make good beer.

  2. 2Hotel9

    You should keep the old saying in mind, which also holds true for the typed word:

    “Better to keep your mouth closed and have people think you are an idiot, rather than open it and confirm you are an idiot.”

    BTW – England and the UK are not synonymous.

  3. > England and the UK are not synonymous.

    Oh, sure, and next thing you’ll tell me that men from Scotland don’t like being complimented on their little plaid girlieskirts.


  4. Awa’ with ye! If I wuz a Scootsmon ye’d be deid!


  5. Heh. My first year at Iowa State, there was a Scottish exchange student in several of my Aero E classes. Easiest two ways to make him go quite insane:
    1) Comment on his “skirt”
    2) Call him an Englishman

    That was *fun*.

    Oh, and tell him that his belief that “Right Said Fred” was going to be an unstoppable long-lasting music sensation like the Beatles or the Rolling Stones was rubbish. He was quite certain on that point, and would brook no disagreement.


  6. Does not change the fact that the best of England has been long dead. The current situation there is all the proof you need.

  7. @2Hotel9

    If by “The current situation there is all the proof you need” means the politicians we have, tell me how this is different from most, if not all the countries on the planet? In fact – how is it different from your country?

    As for your timeline: if the best left in the 1600s, the second best died in the Napoleonic Wars (our academics fighting?), and the third best died in WWI…

    then with our best and second best gone we forged a world-spanning empire, and with our third best gone we managed to keep the empire going for another generation until the Nazis had to be stood up to. Even then, when the Empire was ending we managed to persuade most of the ex-colonies that we were going to change it into a really nice club called ‘The Commonwealth’ – and they should consider staying for it – which most did.

    (P.s. I’m assuming when you say ‘England’ you mean ‘UK’ in the above)

  8. Re the Scootsmon at Iowa State:

    No-one in the British Isles likes being called an Englishman save for Englishmen.

    As for “Right Said Fred” – they decided to channel their talents elsewhere, and now sit at the right-hand of our 4-dimensional lizard overlords.

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