Apr 122009

Forty seven year old Susan Boyle on “Britain’s Got Talent,” wants to be a professional singer. She’s goofy looking, she’s weird, she’s way past old as far as the entertainment industry is concerned. When she goes out onto the stage, pretty much everyone just laughs at her. Then she starts singing.


This sort of thing has happened before. Here’s to hoping that things work out as well for Susan Boyle.

 Posted by at 10:56 am

  5 Responses to “Here’s one you won’t see coming…”

  1. Yes, Susan is very good.

    I’d never heard of that Paul Potts guy before, though. Dumpy little Welshman with bad teeth, a cheap suit, and an unfortunate name. There is clearly something wrong with either him or me, since I seem to be allergic to his voice. I checked with several other recording of Nessum Dorma, and yes, I was very moved. But back to this guy, made my chest tighten up and the eyes leak.

    Seriously, the guy was far from technically perfect, but whatever It is, he’s got It. Direct connection to the limbic system. Wow.

  2. >whatever It is, he’s got It

    Amanda the judge… clearly *she* though he had it, too. When he first came out, she looked pretty dismissive… but at 1:44 – and especially 1:58 – she looks like she was about ready to rip all her clothes off and flip around on the floor like a landed fish. Now if only I could find a woman who’d react the same way to obscure aerospace history…

    Potts, was not quite the “regular schmoe” who just happens to have a secret talent… he’d done opera before, just hadn’t been terribly successful at it. Just needed to be “discovered” I guess…

  3. Tears of joy. That’s what’s on my face now. Same as the ones I cried when I heard Nessun Dorma sung by Mr. Potts. The simplicity of being, the modesty, the purpose on stage, and the woman. WOW!!!!

    I have to admit I am not even remotely attracted to these variety shows, but, from time to time, very nice surprises emerge from them.

    Well done, Ma´am.

  4. […] another one of those “Huh, didn’t see that coming” performances. Not the same as Susan Boyle, but still, worthy of a […]

  5. The LOOK on Simon’s face was priceless!

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