Mar 162014

Huh. So, a little while back I posted some snippets of fiction I’ve scribbled out. I have been contacted by someone with some publishing experience, and we’re now in the process of hashing out a novel-length work based on my writings. If it all comes to pass, I will be responsible for overall plotting and getting the engineering, design and physics right. The other feller will be responsible for the actual *writing,* which he’s shown he’s really, really fast at.

So far, nothing has been signed, so nothing is certain (and thus details will be few). But it may be that later this year a novel will come out with my name on the cover. That’d be a hell of a thing.

I’m also slooooowly banging away on another sci-f yarn of my own. I had gotten some 40+pages into a story, realized it was going in a *really* wrong directions and scrapped more than 30 pages out of it and started re-writing it…. and then it just sorta fizzled out. Now working on another wholly different one. This time I think I’ll release the whole thing in some form or another, probably an ebook. I think it’ll be pretty good, but not as good as “Mass Disappearance.” I still think that one is really good, and I’m still miffed about it getting the brushoff. Oh well.

 Posted by at 12:22 am