Apr 042009

Gah. Self-fulfilling prophesy, here we come

Police Chief Nate Harper said the motive for the shooting isn’t clear, but friends said the gunman recently had been upset about losing his job and feared the Obama administration was poised to ban guns.

Way to help the cause, dumbass. With the apparent upsurge in mass killings since the 0bama regime took over, it won’t be long before the Democrats in control of Congress gin up the nads to actually try to resurrect and “improve upon” the unConstitutional “Assualt Weapons Ban” and similar fascist anti-freedom travesties.

On CNN tonight, I saw a panel discussion with the usual ratio of talking heads… one weak-willed Republican, one angry Democrat, one anti-gun nut, and one anchor. So, three agaisnt one-half. The part that *really* grated was when there was general concensus that “maybe we should be more like Europe, because they’ve got restrictive gun laws and low gun crime.” Yeah, fine… except Europe has had freakin’ genocide within the last few years. I’ll stack America’s fairly constant murder rate up against Europes “no murder, no murder, no murder, massive land war that kill tens of millions, no murder, no murder, massive land and air war that kills a hundred million, no murder, no murder, guess what’s next” history.

European-style governance? No, thanks. Saw the movie, didn’t seem appealing.

 Posted by at 11:18 pm

  6 Responses to “You’re Not Helping”

  1. You will love the New York Daily News headline for this story, which was:
    “Three Pittsburgh police officers killed by gun-loving maniac; afraid Obama would limit gun rights”

  2. your lucky to have weapons in U.S. !

    I life for moment in Belgium (Europe)
    with the toughest weapons laws in the world
    no Automatic weapons, no military weapos for civilians
    Permit only after rigorous psychiatric examination!
    yes that Belgium, home of FN HERSTAL

    What good was it?
    Murder and manslaughter rose dramatically in Belgium
    because they switched to knives and screwdrivers!
    with sad climax this year
    as a sick bastard dress as Joker runns in a Kindergarten
    and stabs sleeping babys, the innocent and defenseless of all !

    i need a Gun !

    U.S. European-style governance?
    after his speech in Prague (the Czech Republic, Europe)
    Obama start to screars me !
    he not only believes what he says, he is doing to make it Real :O
    on longer term the U.S. become a European-style state

    but wat happen to Europe ist U.S. is more European as them ?!
    i feel just like a communist right after the end of USSR…

    Europe and genocide
    oh yes we (european) are the best in it
    Whether Inquisition Spanish, massmurder colonization of the new world
    or instigate two World Wars
    we were the first in use of chemical weapons
    made the first industrial scale genocide and and and
    lucky the U.S. was first in develoment of A-bomb
    Otherwise, the Nazis had developed these and used against U:S.
    lucky the U.S. bombt the Nazi back to Stone age durnig WW2
    (with help of GM and Chrysler who mass produce Boeing B-17 bombers !)

  3. Wait a second Scott. I’ve not read anything yet where it states that this asshat shot people *because* he feared a gun ban. He’s an idiot who shot a couple of police. I doubt that as he was killing the police his thoughts were, “Gee, these guys must be here to confiscate my guns because Obama is planning to confiscate them.”

    I don’t like my neighbor’s dog. The neighborhood knows I don’t like him. If I get a ticket for a parking violation would the headline read: “Man overstays welcome at meter because of hate for neighbor’s dog” ?

    Face it, the guy was unbalanced and had just lost his job.

  4. > I’ve not read anything yet where it states that this asshat shot people *because* he feared a gun ban.

    Perhaps. But what you *can* expect to see, and soon, are proclamations from politicians who use this dumbass’s actions as an excuse to mak his fears come true.

    Face it… nutjobs with guns going bonkers and killing people put a smile on the faces of gun-grabbers. Because it gives them an excuse to demonize *all* guns and *all* gun owners, and do their thing towards making gun ownership a thing of the past.

    > If I get a ticket for a parking violation would the headline read: “Man overstays welcome at meter because of hate for neighbor’s dog” ?

    Not unless the press had some ideological interest in the dog-control debate, and was opposed to *your* position. The press isn;t so much in the business of reporting “facts” as they are in the business of promoting “views.”

  5. I live in a country where gun ownership is strongly controlled by the all-powerful-and-controlling state. But death by firearms is at an all-time high. Hell, even the criminals are better armed than many police departments.

    OK, my constitution doesn’t promote the bearing of arms by the private citizen. But it doesn’t prohibit it. I’m in for a widest permissibility of arms ownership. If you can’t protect yourself when the state fails to do so (our case) then who’s gonna come to help you?

  6. > If you can’t protect yourself when the state fails to do so (our case) then who’s gonna come to help you?

    Nobody. As the saying goes, “When seconds count, the cops are only minutes away.” It really doesn’t help when you live in a society – such as, say, California or Washington, D.C. – where your right to self defense is based on how rich/politically placed you are. Celebrities or politicians can have armed bodyguards. Regular people can’t.

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