Jan 102014

The reporting  in this story gives me a sad:

Kate Upton photographed in space

The title indicates that Kate Upton was actually “in space” when photographed. Which would be remarkable. But perhaps the body of the article will spell it out more accurately?

the voluptuous blond model… was photographed in a bikini in “zero gravity space” for this year’s 50th anniversary issue. Sources tell us Upton was shot in a zero-gravity chamber in a silver swimsuit

Ummm… WAT. A “zero gravity chamber?” The hell is that, and where can I get one? Do they mean an aircraft flying parabolic hops to simulate zero-g? Or do they mean some sort of special effects facility, with the hanging from wires and such? Did they actually launch her on, say, SpaceShipTwo, or perhaps rocket her to the ISS? Or has someone gone to the effort of inventing anti-gravity (such an effort might well be spurred on by the promise of getting Kate Upton into it, of course)?

 Posted by at 10:18 am