Jan 102014

Because absolutely nobody asked for it, here’s a clip from “Family Guy:”

[youtube ypWaLxo32mE]

The best jokes are those based on reality. And let’s face it… the stereotype that women-friends backstab each other  or emotionally attack each other via left-handed compliments and passive-aggressive nastiness seems to be fairly well grounded. While at the same time, male relationships tend to be more honest… if the guys don;t like each other, there is little to no effort to play nice. There might well instead be bloodshed. But at least they know where they stand.

Similarly: I recall some odd things from my high school & college years. If a guy was physically attractive, that made him more or less honestly popular. But if a girl was physically attractive (especially a certain form of physically attractive)… that made her enemies. Especially if she didn’t play along with the “if she’s hot, she must be a slut” stereotype. The male reaction to an attractive female was pretty straightforward… a blatant interest, and then when rebuffed, anger. But the female reaction to a non-skanky attractive girl was even more vicious.

As might surprise approximately nobody, my high school years were spent more or less on the outside of interpersonal relationships. This, among other things, made me somewhat invisible. This was an annoyance, but it also allowed me to see things I might not otherwise, since people tended to discount my presence. And holy crap, girls are mean. Decades later there are still memories of what groups of girls would do to other girls that give me a sad.

 Posted by at 11:50 pm