Dec 042013

Fark had a thread on this. They started off by sneering at the basic idea… but then people started piping in that baby shampoo has helped with their sinusitis. So if ya got sinus issues, give this a read. Maybe useful.

How I beat my sinusitis by snorting baby shampoo

The basic idea seems to be that baby shampoo breaks up bacterial biofilms which encase infections. The claim made here and by a number on Fark is that a proper mix of baby shampoo, distilled water, salt, etc. clears these issues right out, without being painful.

I’ve known people who’ve had chronic sinus issues that lasted *years*. It seems to be really quite terrible… and it’d be amusing if it could be cleaned up with such a simple and inexpensive treatment. A quick Googling turns up a few studies that tend to support this treatment.

 Posted by at 9:09 pm