Nov 102013

So. One Scott Thomas decided to kidnap Bethany Arceneaux, who happens to have been the mother of Thomas’ 2-year-old daughter. Unfortunately for Mr. Thomas… he did this in Louisiana, where it seems that some families take a dim view to their kin gettin’ kidnapped. After the local police failed utterly to find the kidnapper and his victim, the family found the abandoned house where they were holed up, and decided to take care of the issue their own selves.

The end result:

Meanwhile, officers who heard the gun shots fired surrounded the home, Judice said. Upon entering, they found Thomas’ lifeless body on the ground. He had sustained several gunshot wounds.

Thomas’ cause of death is not known

Huh. Yup, that’s a stumper.

The best theory I read was on Fark:

Hull breach followed by a loss of internal pressure.

That’d be my guess.

The bad news: the kidnapper stabbed the victim a number of times. The good news: looks like she’ll live. The also-good news: nobody from the rescuing family is getting charged with anything.


 Posted by at 1:16 pm