Nov 092013

Today we see this…

Philippine super typhoon kills at least 10,000, official says

But forget that. There’s this even more important news item:

‘Be my girlfriend’ note didn’t exactly end the way this kid hoped

In short, an elementary school kid sent a note to a girl he liked, asking “will you be my girlfriend,” offering three possible responses… yes, no, maybe. The girl responded by circling “no.”

But then she went on to amend the note with a comment that she was currently dating “Kyle,”  and that when she and Kyle break up – which event she estimated to occur in a month or two – the note writer was her next choice.

So: the kid learns a few lessons here:

1) You don’t always get what you want

2) Sometimes you find out that what you want might be a little… ahhherrrrmmm… not quite what you want.

Of course, while the spelling is sorta stereotypical-childish, the handwriting is pretty good, so ya gotta wonder about whether it’s on the up-and-up. Still, there’s a whole lot of real life in there.

 Posted by at 10:00 pm