Oct 182013

This is why I stopped paying attention to Glenn  Beck:

Creationists Dealt Major Blow in Battle Over Evolutionary Content in Texas Biology Textbooks

At its basis this is a news story that’s good news: creationsts failed in their effort to jam religion into science classes. But… read the comments. The level of derp there is astonishing. If only weapons grade dumbth was flammable, the US could become energy independent just by harnessing the thermal output of the blazing stupidity of a thousand creationist shills.


Of course, the old chestnut “if humans evolved from apes, why are there still apes” is trotted out (with a number of good counters, including “if Americans descended from Europeans, why are there still Europeans”), along with the evergreen “evolution is just a theory, not a fact, so lets teach religion as established science.”

 Posted by at 3:33 pm