Sep 182013

A common  enough scene in science fiction is some poor schmuck finding himself in a vacuum. Sometimes it’s just for a few seconds; sometimes it’s for a lethal length of time. Since we as a society have unfortunately decided that we don’t want to execute condemned murderers by shoving them out space capsules and filming the results, *exactly* what happens to a person in the event of suddenly being dumped into hard vacuum is unclear. Some things are probable… the human body blowing up like a balloon and exploding (like in “Outland”) is wrong, along with the human body freezing solid in a few seconds (as in “Mission to Mars”). Still, no good would come of such a thing happening. Overall bruising as capillaries in the skin burst is probable. Damage to sensitive tissues such as lungs and sinuses is almost certain. But here’s one I’ve never heard addressed:

What would happen to zits and blackheads and whatnot?

Seems at least slightly possible that the pressure differential would cause pores to sorta… empty themselves. To get an idea of maybe kinda what might happen, strengthen your nerve, wait till your stomach is empty and then search for “comedone” on Youtube. Lots of disturbing videos (like, say, This One). Now, what’s shown in the vids is several ounces of force being placed on a tiny faction of a square inch, greater than the several pounds-per-square-inch differential one might expect in a human body freshly spaced, but just maybe…

Along those lines, it seems pretty likely to me that a human suddenly spaced would certainly empty himself in a more substantial fashion via bladder and colon.

 Posted by at 9:54 pm