Sep 192013

Granite Countertops, Flat-Screen TVs, Fire Pits: The Surprising Story of How College Dorms Got Luxe

Egad. Granite countertops. Flat screen TVs. Private baths. Dishwashers. Full size beds. Tanning salons. Fire pits. Swimming pools.

These are not the dorm rooms *I* had back in the day… small concrete cells with nothing but a closet, two cots and a random goofball who had acid flashbacks at three in the damn morning for a roommate. Couple that with the other extraneous amenities that colleges and universities are piling on in order to attract students, it’s no wonder that the cost of higher education is exploding. And yet we’re being told that the burden of student debt is something the government needs to take care of. Instead, people just shouldn’t shell out that much cash for what basically boils down to Some Guy reading at you from a book and giving you the occasional test.

 Posted by at 10:23 am