For more than the past week, Marvin has spent a lot of time at the gate that separated her part of the house from the rest, crying piteously… and only getting worse. It was not a lack of food or water; she lacked for neither. It had nothing to do with me… she’d cry no matter which side of the gate I was on. The only factor? She didn’t cry when one of the other cats was on the other side of the gate. In short, she was lonely for feline company.
Today the gate came down.
Prior to the quarantine, she had a rather unpleasant relationship with the other cats… hissing and swatting if they got too close. But the time separated from them, yet sharing the same space, able to see, hear and smell them, has mellowed her out. She even shares space with Raethinn, without complaint on either side.
One side effect of the lowering of the quarantine is that she can now roam further… which has pointed out just how uncomfortable she looks when she walks. Watching her slooooooooowly climb stairs was kinda painful.