Jan 302013

In their desperation, the far-left in the media are editing tape and misinterpreting events in order to promote the false claim that gun rights supports “heckled” Neil Heslin, a father of one of the Newtown massacre victims. For example, behold MSNBC’s Larry  O’Donnell go completely bugnuts:

[youtube VwDKyPD3q3M]

And here’s Cenk Uygur (note: if you don’t know who he is, don’t feel bad. He got booted from MSNBC; he couldn’t get a real job, so went to Current TV) *massively* warping the actual events:

[youtube 4GrgjaYQeiA]

And other media:

Neil Heslin, Father Of Newtown Victim, Heckled By Pro-Gun Activists

Gun activists heckle father of child killed at Sandy Hook

Gun rights advocates heckle father of 6-year-old Newtown victim at Connecticut hearing 

Father of 6-Year-Old Newtown Victim Heckled by Pro-Gun Activists

Newtown Victim’s Father Heckled by Gun Enthusiasts at Hearing

Do a Google news search for “Heslin” and “heckle,” and boy howdy will you find a *lot* of media groupthink.

Now, what *actually* happened? Heslin spoke for 15 minutes or so to a respectful silence from the audience… and repeatedly asked the audience questions. Finally, after some *direct* demands of the audience to answer questions, some did. When you ask an audience to respond, and they do, there are two things to keep in mind:

1) They’re not “heckling” if you have invited them to respond

2) If multiple unrelated people in a crowd start responding at once, you cannot expect clear oratory, but overlapping soundbites.

The full event is here:

[youtube R_wKQaWUMGE]

The man *demanded* a response, and he got about 5 seconds worth of response (from about 15:32 to 15:37 in the above video). That was enough for the media to declare “heckling.”

 Posted by at 10:36 am