Jan 072013

New U.S. Law Seeks Answers On Chinese Nuke Tunnels

The Chinese have been busily digging tunnels. Big tunnels. Three thousand miles worth of tunnels. One study estimates that 3,000 nukes could be stored in these tunnels. And this nugget of joy:

Karber’s paper estimates in 2020-plus that China’s true nuclear arsenal, if used against the U.S. as a “counter-value attack,” would inflict 50 million direct casualties; plus-or-minus 50 percent would suffer radiation sickness ranging from debilitating to life-shortening; two-thirds of the 7,569 hospitals would be destroyed or inoperable and half the physicians would themselves be casualties. One-third of the electrical generation capacity and 40 percent of the national food producing agricultural land would be destroyed or exposed to significant residual radiation. 100 million Americans would face starvation within the first 10 years of the initial attack.

 Posted by at 4:34 pm