Nov 012012

With Samhain just passed, the notion of “costumes” is front and center. Yesterday in Logan the businesses had their “Halloween” thing going, where kids dressed in costumes went store to store getting free sugar, and I was reminded just how bugnets the state of Utah is for Halloween. Nowhere else I’ve lived devotes as much effort to it as Utah; of the multitude of kids I saw, not a one of ’em was in one of those cheapo vac-formed plastic masks, and at least half were in home-made costumes that clearly took some considerable effort.

Still, none of them approached the level of sheer awesomeness posed by some of the dinosaur costumes you see sometimes (mostly on YouTube). I showed one about a year ago; here, have some more:

[youtube C4cS-eEhuVM]

[youtube zsjqYpq_Uto]

[youtube F05Cnx8Txhw]

[youtube G_GIBo-Oqq0]

[youtube EjYYMpPxoFQ]

Gotta do something about the bluejeans, though.

 Posted by at 9:04 pm