Jan 222009

In issue V2N3 of APR – which is a ways away yet – will be Part 1 of two parts on the Bell D-188 VTOL fighter (commonly and incorrectly referred to as the “XF-109”).

Here’s some art showing the preceeding designs… the Bell D-139 with “Vertiburners” for VTOL thrust, and the initial D-188 which replaced the Vertiburners with conventional lift jets.



 Posted by at 4:41 am

  One Response to “Bell D-139 and D-188”

  1. They look a bit like the Lockheed X-27 “Lancer”.
    I actually like these designs better than what they finally came up with for looks, but imagine that getting enough fuel aboard them was a problem with the fuselage-mounted engine layout.

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