Jan 252012

Bastrop pastor charged with animal cruelty over death of neighbor’s cat

Short form: Pastor Rick Bartlett of Bastrop, TX, catches a neighbors cat (“Moody”) in a trap. Keeps the trapped cat in the trap for three days in the bed of his pickup truck. Then tosses the cat off of a bridge, when it crashes into the bank of the Colorado River 40 feet below. The cat is all busted up, found by a random stranger, then dies.

The family that owned the 11 year old cat tried to explain to their 5-year-old daughter that the pastor had killed the cat, and now he was in Heaven. The child responds with wisdom far beyond her years:

“‘I don’t believe in Heaven anymore, Moody’s just dead.”

It’s been said that the most effective way to make an atheist is to make someone read the Bible. But I think having a preacher chuck a beloved pet cat off a bridge might be even more effective.

 Posted by at 9:12 pm