Jan 252012

When you buy something from me via PayPal, PayPal sends me an email notification of that fact (99% of the time, anyway… they have slipped up from time to time). The email notification has also had the buyers email address as the “from” email.This made things fairly easy… I simply replied to that email, including the relevant downloading links and passwords and such.

But starting yesterday the “from” email was “serviceATpaypal.com.” I didn’t catch that for the first few, and those emails went awry until I figured out something screwy was going on. I sent PayPal a nastygram about the situation, and this was the response:

This recent change was to fix a previous bug for this same issue. The previous functionality of showing the buyer’s email address in the “from” field was not intended and this update corrected that. Therefore, this new “from” address of serviceATpaypal.com is intended and will be this way going forward.

Grrr. Strictly speaking this should not provide *too* much difficulty, as the email does include the buyers address; but when you’ve gotten used to doing something a certain way for *years,* Change Is Bad. So there may be more slipups in the future. If’n you order and nothing happens within a half day or so, send me an email.

 Posted by at 2:54 pm