Nov 202011

One-eye’s little fluffy kitten has turned out to be surprisingly friendly, at least I can pick it up without it trying to flay the flesh from my arms (this is *not* the case with One-eye herself). We had our first real snow night before last, and it’s clear that the kitten isn’t overly fond with the snow, so today I snagged him/her and took him/her into the bathroom to warm up. The kitten wasn’t overly thrilled with that, but remained calm and well behaved. The kitten would, it seems, make a good pet. It was cordial with Buttons (who didn’t quite know how to react), and was downright friendly with Fingers (Raedthinn made it clear he wasn’t interested).

 Posted by at 10:17 am

  6 Responses to “Anybody want a kitten?”

  1. Another recruit for your army of feline spies. 🙂

  2. I sort of do, but it’s a long way from Southern California.

  3. You, sir, are a good man.

    I’d take you up on the offer, but western Oregon is an inconvenient distance from Utah, and our cats don’t give us permission to have any other cats.

  4. I would not mind, but I don’t think that you are supposed the mail kittens to Arkansas.

  5. I just got a cat. He is adorable though.

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