Aug 212011
[vimeo 27268591]
Bonus: what’s the one thing here that most stretches “willing suspension of disbelief?”
9 Responses to “The awesomest Tron-based commercial for duct tape you’ll see today”
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The hotness of his wife? 🙂
Close. The *existence* of his wife. “Tron Guy” is actually gay, and lives with some fella who’s a furry and likes to dress up as an ox. No joke.
Ha, did not see that one coming.
Well, I didn’t know anything personal about the “Tron Guy”. So…what kind of furry costume do you wear? 😉
I dress up as a homicidal maniac – they look just like everyone else.
I didn’t know your name was “Wednesday”! Or that you were a girl…
I was going to go with “Tron Guy got paid for something”.
Well, he’s getting paid for *something,* given that he owns his own airplane. Never feel sorry for a man who owns his own airplane.
He’s got his own airplane? And he’s gay?
Great. Now I’ve got Dire Straits “Money for nothing” running through my head. Thanks:-P