Aug 242011

While it’s certainly right and p[roper to look upon the revolution in Libya with trepidation. It’s not exactly like the rebels are organized and working to establish a modern western constitutional republic; instead, they are organized around… hell, I don’t know what their credo is, apart from “Gadaffi sucks” and “Allahu Ackbar” (“Allahu” being Arabic for “Admiral,” apparently, and is generally shouted just prior to a trap being revealed). But Qaddafi was an out-and-out evil scumbag, and the world will be better off when he’s not in it anymore. Still, that doesn’t stop certain individuals and organizations from bemoaning the revolution against Kadhafi. Take, for example, Hugo Chavez:

“What the Yankee empire and the European powers … want is Libya’s oil,” Chavez said.

Chavez said Tuesday that Venezuela would continue to recognize Gadhafi as Libya’s leader and would refuse to recognize a rebel-led interim government.

Mummer Kadhafi (left) meets with Hugo Chavez (right) while Omar Sharif looks on (middle)

Recently, Pravda has also joined in on the side of Gaddafi, with results every bit in keeping with Pravda’s proud name.

If there’s one thing that disturbs a dictator, it’s an allied dictator getting whacked by his own people. Thus it should be a hoot to watch how Chavez deals with the all-but-inevitable death and/or imprisonment of Khaddafi.

 Posted by at 8:52 pm

  18 Responses to “Dictators gotta stick together”

  1. Well, it is a out-and-out oil grab by Europe – as note how NATO didn’t get involved militarily in Tunisia or Egypt, and pretty much threw Bahrain to the wolves. But that being said, there is a very good chance that Libya’s people will be better off under a semi-puppet government than under that particular nutcase and his “Fish Speaker” virgin bodyguards.
    I’m keen to find out what finally happens to them, but I think their virgin days might soon be behind them, whether they want it that way or not.
    If there are wise, they flee the country and pose for a Playboy pictorial.
    One thing I didn’t realize is that Italy had laid a underwater oil pipeline that goes clean across the bottom of the Mediterranean from Italy to Libya to cut down on costs of shipping it by tanker.
    But the NRA take note…they always say that the first thing a dictator does is disarm the people; that wasn’t the case in Iraq, where each family was allowed to own one gun, which was almost always a full-auto AK-47; and I hear today that one of the challenges to stabilizing a post-revolutionary Libya is that there are a very large number of guns in the hands of the civilian populace.
    They certainly all seem to know how to operate them, if the number of celebratory bullets falling out of the sky in Tripoli are anything to go by…they have video of some reporters having them falling on their heads, and wearing helmets to avoid getting injured by them. The general populace is wearing pots and pans at times for the same reason.*
    Personally, I wouldn’t go wasting ammo till I was completely sure all the fighting was over. There were even reports of tanks firing off their main guns to celebrate, hopefully into some uninhabited area (or do Russian/Chinese T-54/55 tanks use separate-loading ammunition like the British ones do? I thought they use fixed ammo).
    I am finally reading the last few pages of the Koran, and will say nothing about what I think of it, as I value my infidel life, damned and unclean that it is.
    Hugo Chavez looks a lot less impressive when bald, as did Che Guevara for that matter: 😉

    * It appears that Muslims use live AK-47 ammo the way that the Chinese use firecrackers. And sure, it’s all fun until someone loses an eye, or most of their head for that matter.

    • > Hugo Chavez looks a lot less impressive when bald…

    • > They certainly all seem to know how to operate them, if the number of celebratory bullets falling out of the sky in Tripoli are anything to go by…

      I would consider that a sign of *not* knowing how to operate their firearms. 😉

      But then we don’t really mean the same thing by “know how to operate them”.

  2. wat to hell you guy think, We Europeans bombard gagadafi ?
    We want cheap Oil and Gas, dammit!
    also play revenge for Gagadafi escapade, also a little role like:
    1986 Berlin discotheque bombing against United States soldiers,
    His Atomic Bomb program
    Declaration of war to Switzerland
    the HIV trial in Libya against western and east European physicians
    Invasion of Chad and so forth…

  3. Oh, this is great! Get ready to meet Gaddafi’s big crush… Condoleezza Rice:
    You just couldn’t make this shit up. 😀

  4. is it just me or does omar look alot like barac in that shot?

  5. Regarding the Pravda article, it’s nowhere near as much fun to read now as a few years back, when it was full of stories about time vortexes at the South Pole and women holding men hostage for days while they slowly killed them with too much sex, or injured their penis by “sucking them dry like a female spider”:
    Their crime section would lead one to believe that the #1 cause of death in Russia is probably cannibalism. 😀

    • “Their crime section would lead one to believe that the #1 cause of death in Russia is probably cannibalism.”

      Back in the Communist days, it probably was. I once heard a soviet joke that ended, “But if you have no Politburo, then who taught you (a group of cannibals) to eat each other?”

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