Aug 122011

It’s a Pattern: London Rioters Are Leaving Bookstores Untouched

On the one hand, it’s good that the lootercrats aren’t destroying books, a popular past-time amongst the non-thinking class. On the other hand, they’re not stealing them, either. Which is good for the bookstores, but indicates that the lootercrats just aren’t that into reading. Which is bad news for the future.

Still, it’s probably for the best. If you make the mistake of getting these morons to read, they might read something horrible – Mao’s Little Red Book, Mein Kampf, Das Kapital, Audacity of Hope, Rules for Radical – and get some even *more* destructive ideas to rattle around in the void where their minds aught to be. Sometimes, ignorance is really for the best.

 Posted by at 9:18 pm

  8 Responses to “I don’t know how to feel about this”

  1. It’s just a wee bit unfair to lump in Obama’s book with Mao’s and Hitler’s until the books rack up similar death tolls. Bad as Obama is, you can’t honestly claim he’s perpetrated mass-murder.

    • His book helped him to win the White House. Had he not done so, he would not have had the chance to destroy the American economy like he’s done. Instead, at worst he’d still be another Representative, flaking out of most of his votes.

      Not all horrible man-caused tragedies are blatantly genocidal in nature. Some are blatantly econocidal. This is an example we just don’t need more of.

    • If you’ve read the other books on the list you can clearly see the correlation between them and Obama. Death-toll is not the only sign of despotism

  2. One news account of the London riots I read reported a (closed?) library being burned.

  3. I remember thinking, after the events of September 11, that had they headed for the Library of Congress and the Smithsonian, instead of the White House and the Pentagon, I would have become, in the words of Marvin the Martian, “very angry.” I’m talking 40 megatons worth of incandescent lithium deuteride right on the K’aaba angry. These are the guys who stoked the fires of the baths with the Library of Alexandria, you know.

    • Keep in mind, the Library was trashed three times. First by Julius Caesar’s troops (possibly by accident as a result of fires spreading from elsewhere), second time by, IIRC, St. Cyril, third and final time by Muslims. *Everybody* in the business of domination seems to hate a place of learning.

      I must admit, whenever I think of horrible catastrophe hitting D.C. – a terrorist nuking, or the tsunami in “Deep Impact” – my thoughts go to the NASM on the Mall. “Aw, *damn.* The Wright Flyer just got trashed.”

      As for the Ka’aba getting glassed… I suspect it’ll probably happen. Not long after Tel Aviv goes up in nuclear flames, I suspect an F-16 here, an F-15 there will come sneaking out of the bushes to drop some nukular whoopass.

      • Yeah, the problem with Saudi Arabia is a wrong proportion in the abundance of minerals there; too much petroleum and no trinitite.

        • Dang! I just got back from dinner with Ceiling Cat and Happycat! I am not supposed to think thoughts like that, let alone express them! Owhell, I got it out of my system. Thinking nasty thoughts is bad, but lying and pretending that you don’t have them is much worse. (I haz druknd teh blod and eated teh bawdy of Happycat, and it waz teh Yummieh!)

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