Aug 112011

Here’s a hell of a thing:

New leukemia treatment exceeds ‘wildest expectations’

Basically, a neutered and defanged form of the HIV virus is used to insert a new gene sequence into leukemia patients white blood cells. The new gene sequence turns the white cells into “serial killers” that target the cancer cells, *and* causes the white cells to reproduce themselves a thousand fold. End result: three patients treated this way got a fever (symptom of the white blood cells fighting off an infection), and two of them are now leukemia-free, the third has had a 70% reduction.

Needs a lot more research,  but if it pans out… neato! Cancer might be cured.

 Posted by at 1:22 am

  9 Responses to “Huh. HIV cures cancer.”

  1. This is ironic
    because there a HIV victim, who was cured by leukemia treatment in 2007
    in short:
    A HIV victim get acute myelogenous leukemia,
    the Doctors used heavy chemotherapy to kill the white blood cells and his bone marrow
    after that he got a stem cell transplant
    since this the men has a HIV levels below the limit of detection

  2. Wow, this totally sounds like the plot for a sci-fi horror film. “Just take this ‘safe’ version of a horrible virus and it will cure your other horrible disease – what could go wrong?”

    Jokes aside – I really hope this works.

  3. It might only work for lukemia. After all, AIDS is a virus designed to attack the immune system, and this type of lukemia is a cancer of the immune system. But even if it only works for this specific type of cancer, that’s still thousands of lives saved a year.

    Also, did you catch the bit about how the cancer treatment was funded by a private charity? Score one for the libertarians 🙂

  4. The idea of using viruses to attack aggressive cancer has been around several years, but getting it to work on a given cancer without seriously harming the patient is difficult. This case sounds like using a virus to deliver gene therapy, itself an immature technique, rather than the virus attacking the cancer cells directly.

  5. […] little while ago I posted information about a small trial that apparently cured 2/3 of the cases of leukemia that it was tried on… […]

  6. Marijuana: The Forbidden Cure for Cancer
    There are allot of folks out there being cured of cancer, even terminal cancer with marijuana. Skin Cancer, Lung Cancer, Breast Cancer, Prostrate Cancer, Brain Cancer, and others are being cured with a natural marijuana medicine. The website below links into research and video on the subject. There is even a film there on how to make the medicine and even dosages. You can avoid having your body poisoned with Chemotherapy and Radiation. The medicine from marijuana is natural. Check it out for yourself.

  7. Leukemia treatment cures HIV. HIV cures leukemia. It is lke that commercial where the dirt seeks out the mop. Doctores are not joining the dots. And the most important question is WHAT IS SAFE HIV virus? Do some of us test postive for the safe HIV virus?

  8. There is good in all God’s creations.

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