Jul 062011

… in one three-minute video:



And they called Glenn Beck nuts? Yeesh. He’s the voice of dull sanity compared to the shrieking harpies in this clip.

 Posted by at 8:47 am

  4 Responses to “Everything that’s wrong with modern journalism”

  1. Or as I like to call her, “Crazy Nancy Grace”. Or maybe it should be Crazynancygrace.

    I cringed every single time I heard that stupid bitch say “Tot Mom”, which was a seldom as possible but you couldn’t flip through the channels in the evening without hearing Crazy Nancy Grace say “Tot Mom”.

    Also, did anyone else think it was rather odd, the grinning crowds behind Crazy Nancy Grace? The smiling, the waving, the occasional “hi mom”, the general mood of festivity. A little girl is dead after all.

  2. She’s just set herself and CNN up beautifully for a liable suite.

    • While technically true, I can’t really imagine that Casey Anthony would go to the bother. As with OJ, he won in the criminal court, but lost in civil.

  3. I was expecting the skin on Nancy’s face to split and a flaming skull to come flying out.

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