Jun 292022

Who thinks it’s a good idea to glue yourself to the road???


Several commenters on that twitter thread point out that the guy comes off like one of those wussy, lazy, unmanly and cowardly soccer players that help to make the game so unwatchable:

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 Posted by at 12:00 am
Jun 282022

Woo. Now… let’s see ’em actually follow through:

The Army Just Selected Its First Light Tank In Decades

The first 26 are supposed to be delivered in December 2023, with a total of 504 by 2035. Five hundred doesn’t seem like a whole lot. I hope they test the bejeebers out of it with modern anti-tank missiles… recent events have shown that that sort of thing is kinda important.


A fully autonomous version would seem wise.

 Posted by at 10:11 pm
Jun 282022

This is for those in a particularly *nasty* mood. In short, a thief decides to rob a place, gets surprised by the neighbors, takes a tumble from the second story and impales himself on the spike-topped fence. And doesn’t die… not immediately, anyway, and not before making a lot of unhappy sounds.

Should you feel bad over someone who has been multiply skewered? If it was just some guy, sure. But it seems this feller’s a criminal. So… up to you, I suppose. If the story is accurate, this is a guy who intentionally set out to make the world a worse place, and ended up stuck on top of a gate. Surprisingly strong lungs for someone who looks like he should have steel spikes driven eight inches through at least on of ’em. The people standing around filing him seem pretty nonchalant.

VIDEO | Ladrón entra a robar casa, resbala y queda ensartado en reja metálica en Campeche (IMÁGENES FUERTES)

What do we learn from this? Maybe one lesson might be to not be a burglar. Just a thought.

 Posted by at 3:56 pm
Jun 282022

Clearing out the “videos to shove onto YouTube” folder, here’s a cell phone video I shot of the QM-1 test firing back in 2015. It’s got all the production quality you could expect from someone just holding a  phone. And did I miss the ignition? Yes I did.

Here’s another video of mine of the same test, shot with a DSLR camera with a telephoto lens and a tripod. Posted this back when it happened, seven years ago:

 Posted by at 11:27 am
Jun 272022

Her explanation fits *me* precisely. I do not and have never had a religious objection to abortion. I was for a quite a while on the “meh” side of the argument. What flipped me? The Moloch-worshipping (and that’s not even my religion) baby-haters, losing their minds and turning something that *should* be seen as at best unfortunate into something they are *proud* of.

UPDATE: The account was made private, even though the creator said nothing even remotely crazy. I suspect The Usual Suspects started getting threatening.

UPDATED UPDATE: The account seems to have been un-privated.


♬ original sound – michellerhodesofficial

So here, at least for now, is a YouTube version of the video:



 Posted by at 6:41 pm
Jun 272022

The Supreme Court overturning Roe vs. Wade has brought out the hateful and violent rhetoric of many on the Left in *spades.* Go peruse Libs of TikTok for a plethora of examples of death threats,  advocations of assassinations, etc. Far too many to post here.

That said, there is one particular story that is instructive on several levels: a registered nurse claimed that she bases her medication prescriptions not on the needs of the patient, but on their race and politics. Good news/bad news: The bad is that there are such hateful people out there. The good is that they often publicly tout their badness. The double-plus bad is that they feel safe and comfortable doing so, because they know that since they are on the politically correct side, their malfeasance will often be ignored. They can get away with doing what they’re doing.


She felt comfortable enough to say it publicly. How long has she been actually *doing* it?

Well, there is some double-plus good news:

“Resigned.” Yeah, I kinda expect that she was pushed out the door. And I kinda expect that the hospital now has *all* of their lawyers working overtime, poring through every last record of every last patient this twit had anything to do with. Were you one of her patients? Did anything seem a  little off? Were the meds she prescribed not quite right, or didn’t quite do the job? Yeah… lawsuits are coming.


 Posted by at 4:53 pm