Jun 282022

This is for those in a particularly *nasty* mood. In short, a thief decides to rob a place, gets surprised by the neighbors, takes a tumble from the second story and impales himself on the spike-topped fence. And doesn’t die… not immediately, anyway, and not before making a lot of unhappy sounds.

Should you feel bad over someone who has been multiply skewered? If it was just some guy, sure. But it seems this feller’s a criminal. So… up to you, I suppose. If the story is accurate, this is a guy who intentionally set out to make the world a worse place, and ended up stuck on top of a gate. Surprisingly strong lungs for someone who looks like he should have steel spikes driven eight inches through at least on of ’em. The people standing around filing him seem pretty nonchalant.

VIDEO | Ladrón entra a robar casa, resbala y queda ensartado en reja metálica en Campeche (IMÁGENES FUERTES)

What do we learn from this? Maybe one lesson might be to not be a burglar. Just a thought.

 Posted by at 3:56 pm