Jan 262021

I’ve found that archives going from pure-paper to digital to be as much a curse as a blessing. Sure, the stuff that gets scanned and placed into publicly accessible archives? Great. But… often enough, archives that scan their stuff often decide that once the original is digitized they have no further use for the original… and it gets thrown away or outright destroyed. that wouldn’t be *too* bad if the scans were good. but too often they’re not. All too often the scans are *crap.* For example, some years back NASA scanned in the files of a deceased engineer. *Lots* of great stuff was scanned and made available. A lot of what the guy had were large format diagrams of hypersonic aircraft… X-24C derivatives, hypersonic research aircraft, HSTs, that sort of thing. What actually got scanned: just the data block. The on-hand scanner was good for letter size, so rather than going to the bother of scanning the large format sheet in chunks, or taking it somewhere than had a large format scanner, whoever did the scanning just scanned, essentially, the title of the thing. And then what? NASA destroyed the originals. You can see the titles, you can see perhaps a piece of a tail or a wingtip… and in all probability that’s all you will *ever* see, because they just couldn’t be bothered.

Recently the “AF FOIA Reading Room” appeared. I’ve found a *few* things of interest on it, one being a summary of the F-108 and B-70 programs.  It’s reasonably well illustrated, which is a bonus. Should be great, right? Prepare to be disappointed. Here is the quality of the digitized document… 2-bit black and white at low resolution:

That’s friggen’ craptacular. 2-bit is always the mark of not-giving-a-damn, but to do that with old, clearly time-darkened paper is a crime against humanity. The only way to hope to make anything halfway decent from it is to go through it and manually clean it up. The secondary approach of letting the computer try gives results that are just plain disappointing:

It is *somewhat* clearer. But a whole lot of data is simply lost and unrecoverable, even with manual, skilled and talented cleanup. The “Enhance” button only does so much.

So if *you* have interesting aerospace diagrams and documents, *please* don’t do this. The minimum for text and diagrams is 300 dpi, grayscale, saved in a lossless format such as PNG or TIF. If the diagrams are the slightest bit faded, or if there is anything remotely colorful, scan in full color. Photos and art… full color and consider scanning at 600 or even 1200 dpi. Sure, the file sizes are way bigger. But storage space is vastly cheaper and more abundant than it was just a few years ago. And there are people, AHEM, who will scan this sort of thing for you, just to make sure it’s preserved.

 Posted by at 6:07 pm
Jan 262021

Instapundit has a funny:

A FRIEND EMAILS: “Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Trump Mar-a-lago wgah’nagl fhtagn.” Heh.

UPDATE: From the comments: “That is not politically dead which can eternal lie, and in strange eons even deplatforming may die.”

I’m not sure I’d say that Trump is a Lovecraftian cosmic horror (although the far left certainly seems to think so), but it’s still entertaining.

That all said, there’s also this:

Trump mocked after WSJ reports he wants to start a new ‘Patriot Party’ – because the original was linked to the Black Panthers

Whatever you think of Trump starting his own party – more on that momentarily – the fact that he’s taking a name formerly used by a bunch of socialists? Friggen’ awesome. “We’re reclaiming the name,” or some such. The original “Patriot Party” was started in the 1960’s to push socialist policies… about as far from patriotic as you can get.

But to the larger point, a take-it-for-what-it’s-worth poll:

Trump ‘Patriot Party’ would win almost quarter of voters, drop GOP to third place

*If* the poll is accurate, and if the numbers actually held once the “Patriot Party” got up to speed, the poll suggests that in the 2024 Presidential election, the Republican candidate would get 17% of the vote, the Democrat 46%, the Patriot 23% and “other” 14%. That seem monumentally hand-wavy to me…  President Harris will doubtless be quite unpopular by 2024, the Republicans might actually get their act together, the Patriot might be Jessie Ventura for all I know. Still: if a third party is formed specifically to target conservatives, this will entrench Democrats as the ultimate power in the universe, even if the Reps and the Pats combined get more than half the total votes.

On the other hand, if the Patriot Party truly does become that popular – a prospect I find dubious, but I suppose possible given how gormless so many of the Republics are these days – then the Reps would be well advised to suck up to the Pats. Come up with candidates for office that both parties can get behind.

Yeah. That’ll happen. Maybe when the stars are right.

 Posted by at 1:06 am
Jan 252021

I just came across this. So far I’ve failed to get it to admit to actually having *anything; no search term or combination of search terms results in any hits. But perhaps it is new; perhaps it’s a work in progress… or perhaps all the good stuff is behind some AF firewall. Dunno. But I thought y’all might find it of interest… and if anyone has any success with it, let me know how and with what.

AF FOIA Library



 Posted by at 6:18 pm
Jan 242021

I’ve recently been reminded of Project Thor, the notion of dropping telephone poles of tungsten from orbit as kinetic weapons. Often, people who don’t know better declare that such things would have the power of nuclear bombs; this is only true if you assume *really* *small* nukes. Do the math, people; the equations for calculating mass from density and dimensions of a cylinder ain’t that hard, and plugging said mass into a kinetic energy equation assuming some fraction of orbital velocity ain’t that hard either.

Anyway, the thought of Thor got me thinking to the one time I can immediately recall seeing the system used in a movie:

Here, a single kinetic weapon is dropped on metropolitan London, and the entire city is utterly destroyed. The power of the weapon is ludicrous, being quite a few orders of magnitude greater than anything a reasonable Thor could do. Sigh, that’s Hollywood.

But what interested me was the comments section. There is a discussion there about whether losing London would utterly destroy Britain, or whether the nation would recover; a secondary discussion about rebuilding the city. Now, never mind the ludicrousness of the silly weapon system employed. Just assume that, somehow, London kerploded as shown here. A subterranean Tsar bomb, an asteroid impact, Harry Potter has a brain fart, a glitch in the matrix, whatever. London is utterly blendered; everyone and everything within a couple kilometers is not just reduced to rubble, but the soil and bedrock have hopped up and down. The Thames no longer has a well established riverbed; the terrain itself is randomized. The Underground is aboveground. The millions dead don’t need burying; they’re already buried.

Assuming that the effects were reasonably localized – no fallout, other explosions, sudden outbreak of thermonuclear war, monsters from the abyss spilling out of cracks int he Earth, etc. – would this utterly trash Britain? Ten million-ish dead… that’s bad news. But as several YouTube commenters point out, London is no longer an English city; most of those dead would not be English (whether you consider “English” to be ethnic, cultural or legal). London is responsible for a whole lot of the British economy, but it’s sorta the “fake” economy of financial stuff, not growing stuff or making stuff. Presumably the bulk of British government types would be included in the lost, along with the Royals; this would be as much “opportunity” as “tragedy.”

Discounting the effect of other nations moving in, either to stabilize or to take over, what would be the likely immediate outcome to wider British society? Would Scotland at last say “see ya” and bug out? Would the remaining Brits decide that now’s the time to restore Britain and eject the “grooming gangs” and their enablers? Would English ethnonationalism rise as a way to bring the people (well, most of them) together to recover, or would they sink into a morass of malaise and infighting? And would they bother trying to rebuild London? London has been trashed before… fires, plagues, the Blitz. But in those incidents, the *ground* remained for new stuff to be built atop the old stuff. But here? Big blocks of bedrock pointing skywards, a mile-wide swamp where there was once a river, a billion tons of building materials mixed almost randomly amidst boulders and gravel and dirt.

 Posted by at 3:53 pm
Jan 242021

A few weeks ago, some folks got rowdy and weird in D.C. A Capitol cop summarily executed a woman for trespassing; the rowdy types have been declared to be just this side of enemies of the state, the police involved are universally media-hailed as heros. OK… now consider this:

Police SUV surrounded by violent insurrectionists. Police SUV decides to flee the scene; at least one of the domestic terrorists gets rolled under the SUV wheels. Note how the news puppet describes the incident. Suddenly violent protestors are back to being the victims, cops are back to being the bad guys.

Come on, people, how about a little consistency?

But wait, there’s more. For all of 2020, Antifa were “mostly peaceful protestors,” and, according to the poster child for senility, “just an idea.” They were given free reign to do whatever, destroy whatever. But now…

It will be interesting watching the sudden turnaround.


It would be nice if the media would actually agree to a set of consistent labels. You set fires and break windows? You’re not a peaceful protestor, you’re a rioter, a criminal. You take over government buildings? Insurrectionists. You use violence to get your way politically? Terrorist, domestic or otherwise.

 Posted by at 3:25 pm
Jan 232021

This looks interesting… a Lovecraftian “horror survival” game. The graphics looks a little rough, but then this seems to be a game developed by *one* *guy.* Imagine trying to 3D model not only every monster that appears in a game, but every tree, rock and artifact. Madness!




 Posted by at 6:30 pm
Jan 232021

“I Think My Gmail Has Crashed”: The Teacher Who Made Bernie Sanders’ Mittens on Watching Them Go Viral

So back in 2016 a fan of Bernie Sanders gave him a gift of hand-made mittens. During the recent inauguration, Sanders was photographed wearing said mittens, and because why not, the photo went viral. Slate hunted down the maker of the mittens, who remains a fan of Sanders. Where’s the irony? Well… the mittens-maker *used* to have a business making mittens, but no more. Why?

People have been contacting me thinking that they can get mittens, and actually they can’t. I don’t have any more, and I don’t have much of a mitten business anymore because it really wasn’t worth it. Independent crafters get really taken for a ride by the federal government. We get taxed to the nth degree, and it wasn’t really worth it pursuing that as a business, even as a side hustle.

Huh. You complain about taxes being so high as to crush your business. Sure, I’m  right there with you. Buuuuuuuuutttttttt……. you remain a supporter of Bernie Sanders, a socialist?

Further evidence that what the United States needs is NOT to expand the voting franchise, but to institute some basic civics tests before your vote is allowed to count.

 Posted by at 5:19 pm
Jan 232021

Just a thought. If someone were to take a model of the CVN-65 USS Enterprise nuclear powered aircraft carrier and modify it with the Douglas “Ithacus Jr.” rocket transport as in the concept art below, what should go along with it? The art depicts the Enterprise modified with a bow extension, two movable “VABs,” and two of the rocket transports (an aft extension is implied but not visible). The flight deck is shown as deserted, which is reasonable under the circumstances… with those VABs, most of the flight deck would be unavailable for takeoffs and landings. Only the angled deck would seem to provide some functionality there.

The concept dates from 1964. If a model was made, it would probably tend to represent a time frame from the mid 1970’s onwards. What should be on the deck in that case, to help dress it up (it seems like it’d be kinda bland without some other things populating the deck)? A few things seem reasonable:

Boeing Heavy Lift Helicopter:

A VTOL C-130:

Convair 200 VTOL fighter:

Lockheed CL-1090 (or similar) passenger compound helicopter:

Anything else to consider?

 Posted by at 12:28 pm
Jan 222021

Second from left, in a photo from 2014, is U.S. Department of State Spokesperson Jennifer Psaki. She is now President Baizuo’s spokespuppet.

The story was that it was a gift from some Russian officials. Uh-huh. If some German officials showed up with a hat with a swastika on it, or some Japanese officials gave her a hat with the rising sun w/rays on it, or, heck, some Southern officials gave her a hat with a CSA “battle flag,” would she proudly wear that too?


I guess it’s good that these people are open  about their views. What’s bad is that their views are so fundamentally anti-American.

 Posted by at 9:43 pm