Jan 262021

Instapundit has a funny:

A FRIEND EMAILS: “Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Trump Mar-a-lago wgah’nagl fhtagn.” Heh.

UPDATE: From the comments: “That is not politically dead which can eternal lie, and in strange eons even deplatforming may die.”

I’m not sure I’d say that Trump is a Lovecraftian cosmic horror (although the far left certainly seems to think so), but it’s still entertaining.

That all said, there’s also this:

Trump mocked after WSJ reports he wants to start a new ‘Patriot Party’ – because the original was linked to the Black Panthers

Whatever you think of Trump starting his own party – more on that momentarily – the fact that he’s taking a name formerly used by a bunch of socialists? Friggen’ awesome. “We’re reclaiming the name,” or some such. The original “Patriot Party” was started in the 1960’s to push socialist policies… about as far from patriotic as you can get.

But to the larger point, a take-it-for-what-it’s-worth poll:

Trump ‘Patriot Party’ would win almost quarter of voters, drop GOP to third place

*If* the poll is accurate, and if the numbers actually held once the “Patriot Party” got up to speed, the poll suggests that in the 2024 Presidential election, the Republican candidate would get 17% of the vote, the Democrat 46%, the Patriot 23% and “other” 14%. That seem monumentally hand-wavy to me…  President Harris will doubtless be quite unpopular by 2024, the Republicans might actually get their act together, the Patriot might be Jessie Ventura for all I know. Still: if a third party is formed specifically to target conservatives, this will entrench Democrats as the ultimate power in the universe, even if the Reps and the Pats combined get more than half the total votes.

On the other hand, if the Patriot Party truly does become that popular – a prospect I find dubious, but I suppose possible given how gormless so many of the Republics are these days – then the Reps would be well advised to suck up to the Pats. Come up with candidates for office that both parties can get behind.

Yeah. That’ll happen. Maybe when the stars are right.

 Posted by at 1:06 am