Jan 242021

A few weeks ago, some folks got rowdy and weird in D.C. A Capitol cop summarily executed a woman for trespassing; the rowdy types have been declared to be just this side of enemies of the state, the police involved are universally media-hailed as heros. OK… now consider this:

Police SUV surrounded by violent insurrectionists. Police SUV decides to flee the scene; at least one of the domestic terrorists gets rolled under the SUV wheels. Note how the news puppet describes the incident. Suddenly violent protestors are back to being the victims, cops are back to being the bad guys.

Come on, people, how about a little consistency?

But wait, there’s more. For all of 2020, Antifa were “mostly peaceful protestors,” and, according to the poster child for senility, “just an idea.” They were given free reign to do whatever, destroy whatever. But now…

It will be interesting watching the sudden turnaround.


It would be nice if the media would actually agree to a set of consistent labels. You set fires and break windows? You’re not a peaceful protestor, you’re a rioter, a criminal. You take over government buildings? Insurrectionists. You use violence to get your way politically? Terrorist, domestic or otherwise.

 Posted by at 3:25 pm