Jun 122020

The Antifa/BLM/commie scumbags who are trying to set up their own little nation in Seattle have released a list of “demands.” There is really only one way to read the list… with an Australian accent and with a liberal sprinkling of mockery and expletives.

You may question, as I do, what an “autonomous zone” is doing making demands of Seattle, Washington state or the US Federal Government. Wall them in. Let current residents escape; let those who want to join go in. Give it a week or so… then slam the doors. Current residents can file for reparations (anything left behind is almost certain to be burned, torn down and defiled), payments to be made from a fund created by nationalizing the funds of the Democratic Socialists, the Democrat Party, any and all Communist, Antifa and BLM organizations. Add an extra “kneelers tax,” perhaps, any government official or employee who takes a knee gets to pay a hundred bucks into a pot to help pay for the damages created by their fellow travelers.

 Posted by at 9:40 am
Jun 112020

Now Anarchists in the Seattle Autonomous Zone Have a ‘Garden’ and It’s as Funny as You’d Expect

Unrelated anecdote: my first semester at Iowa State University back in 1991, one of my classmates was a Scottish exchange student. He was a nice enough guy (and he’ll be called “guy,” because damned if I can remember his name), but he was exactly the sort of guy I should have stayed far away from. The reasons? He was tall, blue-eyed, blond, athletic… in short, when he was around, apparently my own personal cloaking device engaged and I suddenly became *amazingly* invisible to the female of the species, rather than just my usual slightly out of focus. After a while, this became as annoying as you might expect, so, being a perfectly rational young man I began to take delight in any misfortune that might befall him. But *of* *course,* very few misfortunes came his way. Bah.

Anyway, come late September or early October, the summer (those of you who summered in the midwest know what hellish conditions are implied here) finally began to break very, very slightly. After sundown, it was almost cool from time to time. So late one afternoon I was walking back from class with the guy when, of friggen’ course, a gaggle of females came the other way and of course he and they had to have a long drawn-out and giggly conversation. My cloaking field engaged at maximum power and I disappeared from view. I observed the interactions (having no actual place within the interactions) and realized that the half dozen or so female students were also all exchange students from places such as France and Italy. They all seemed to think that the guy was SPLOOSH, and he clearly knew it. It was all very grating, as you might expect, and I kinda tuned out.

Anyway, at one point a few minutes in, the topic turned to the weather, and how nice it was that it was no longer dangerously hot and humid. It soon turned to a discussion of the forthcoming winter, and it quickly dawned on me that *none* of them knew what winter in central Iowa was going to be like, which seemed like a substantial failure in planning. Finally, the guy remembered that I was there (and that I had grown up relatively close to the area) and he asked me what winter was like. I recall being interested in the girls reactions at that point… they all reacted with shock as if they were seeing me fade into existence. Anyway, I informed them that they could expect snowdrifts ten feet high and temperatures down to minus forty. I don’t know what reaction I expected from this revelation, but I was met with blank and uncomprehending stares. “Is that Fahrenheit or Centigrade?” someone asked.

“Yes,” I answered accurately. I then had to explain that minus forty was where the systems met up. And then I had to explain that, no, I wasn’t kidding, that I had experienced minus sixty wind chill from time to time. Blank stares turned to looks of horror. I have always hoped that the horror came from the recognition of what winter was going to be like, rather than the horrific comparison of the American troll before them with the Scottish Adonis they were all gushing over, but… who knows.

Anyway, I then turned to the guy and asked him what winter clothes he had with him. He plucked at the light wind breaker he was wearing at the moment. “No, I mean, what clothes do you have for when winter really gets here.” In other words, like the Seattle anarchists, what plans and preparations did he make to survive what was coming, the future that he intentionally set out into. And he assured me that, indeed, he felt confident that his thin little jacket was going to be sufficient. The girls all seemed to think that the guy had the right idea.

For a few seconds I probably looked like the gears in my head were grinding and throwing sparks. And then I laughed. Boy howdy did I laugh. When at last I gasped for a breath, the only thing I could think to say was to quote Reverend Kane:

I don’t know if they believed me. I doubt they heeded me. But I had me a good laugh, and that was the important thing. And now I look at the “garden” planted by the Antifa thugs in their little autonomous zone, and I laugh in much the same way. This time the laughter is tinged with sadness… the foreign exchange students could – and of course did – simply go to the mall and buy coats. And if they didn’t, the only people to suffer would be them. But in Seattle? When they start to starve and loot and pillage, they will harm a whole lot of innocents in the process.

Note about the guy: the only other thing I can really remember about him was he kept singing “I’m too sexy for my -” and fill in the blank. Nobody knew what the hell he was on about, but he assured us that it was a popular song back Europe-way, that it would soon hit American shores (it did) and that Right Said Fred would be the farthest thing from a one-hit wonder… they’d be a culturally dominant force for generations to come. Heh.

 Posted by at 9:52 pm
Jun 112020

Scientists detect unexpected widespread structures near Earth’s core

A few years ago I posted about an “Atlas Of The Underworld” that had been produced that revealed a hundred or so former continents that had been subducted and were floating around in the mantle sloooooowly melting away. These continental slabs are dozens to hundreds and perhaps billions of years old, and are still only hundreds of kilometers deep. But now evidence has come to light of structures far deeper, down near the core-mantle boundary. These seem unlikely to be former continents that sank… I’d guess they are structural discontinuities that have been there since the Earth condensed from the original dust cloud.

 Posted by at 7:43 pm
Jun 112020

I know you’re not supposed to make fun of the crazy person on the street corner ranting at the clouds… but when they film themselves crazyranting and post it online? Then yeah, pretty sure pointing and laughing is acceptable.

Can you *IMAGINE* the level of loonery we’ll be subjected to come November if Trump gets re-elected?

 Posted by at 3:20 pm
Jun 112020

In 1969, Maxime Faget of NASA-Manned Spacecraft Center (later renamed Johnson Space Center) produced a concept for a simplified version of the Space Shuttles then being designed. The idea at the time was that the Shuttle would be a two-stage vehicle, both being fully reusable manned flyback vehicles. The Orbiter would be much larger than the Orbiter that actually got built because it included substantial hydrogen/oxygen tankage. The boosters were generally *vast* vehicles larger than the C-5 Galaxy meant to fly higher and faster than the X-15. Optimistic to be sure. Faget’s “DC-3” design had the same basic architecture but attempted to produce a smaller, cheaper, less complex and more realistic design. The design, produced in-house at NASA, was picked up by both North American and McDonnell Douglas, who designed their own variations on the theme.

Here is the basic configuration of the NASA-MSC “DC-3:”

 Posted by at 1:31 am
Jun 102020

The Antifa Autonomous Zone of Capital Hill, Seattle, already has its own warlords enforcing their own laws. With exactly the amount of “de-escalatory skill” and accountability that you’d expect from the sort of people who think that ACAB.

Honestly? Funny as hell, right here. Violence, threats of violence, claims of power and authority not based on actual respectable attainment or rule of law but sheer force.

I’m torn here. On one hand, these sort of nonsensical whackaloon “zones” should be rousted out by the National Guard, the leaders rounded up and deported to North Korea. On the other hand, it will be useful and instructive to let at least a few of them go on for at least a little while. They will demonstrate the result of leftist policies, the inevitable end-state of socialism. They also demonstrate gloriously the difference between anarchism and libertarianism… both disdain government, but libertarians respect private property (at least in theory). These socialist d-bags actively *disrespect* private property, and thus each and every one of them feels it good and proper to trash other peoples stuff. And clearly a good number of them are already falling into tribes with self-appointed headmen. As things devolve and get more violent and brutal, it will be interesting to see how many of these warlords are women or alphabetters.

Capital Hill Autonomous Zone Already Has Wannabe Warlords & Dictators


Anarchy in Seattle

These are the ideologues that Pelosi & Co. are kow-towing to.

– – –

And in some lighter news…


This seems somehow relevant:


 Posted by at 9:32 pm
Jun 102020

The wokescold fascists sometimes don;t play by their “1984” playbook. “Dude” is a way to *simplify* speech, compared to the never-ending intersectional expansion of gibberish that they want to inflict on daily conversations.

 Posted by at 1:07 pm
Jun 092020

So, this leftist/socialist/Antifa take on the Gadsden flag has suddenly become popular:

We Will Tread

Now, there are two major facts to understand from this:

1: The Gadsden flag, and the snake in it, is defiance against authoritarianism and a statement of support of the rights of Man. To say that you will oppose that means that you support authoritarianism… and more specifically, the use of force against free people. To call the people who fly the “we will tread” flag fascists seems perfectly proper.

2: The person who designed this, and those who fly or wear it unironically, are clearly idiots. You don’t tread on a snake by grabbing it but by, you know, TREADING ON IT.

I fully support the flying of this flag. It’s good for the villains and morons to let the rest of society know who they are.

 Posted by at 6:58 pm
Jun 092020

A photo montage of Boeing display models showing a range of launch vehicles intended to put the early (1959) Dyna Soar into orbit. The three at left are clusters of Minuteman ICBM boosters; the next two are larger solid rocket motor clusters. The next is a Saturn I booster, followed by an all-new recoverable liquid rocket booster, the Titan II and the Atlas/Centaur. The Titan II design was chosen, though it could not actually get the Dyna Soar into a true orbit. To do that, solid rocket boosters needed to be strapped to the sides of the Titan II… leading to the creation of the Titan III.

 Posted by at 6:51 am
Jun 082020

Here’s a thought: measure performance of STEM organizations and labs and companies and such on June 10. See if things such as productivity or morale take a downward turn or not as the woke “scientists” leave on the 10th. If things don’t get worse or in fact get better… then lay off those who left because clearly they’re just not that handy on the job anyway. It certainly seems like a day free of wokescolds and their lackeys would be an improved day on the job.

I went to the “shut down STEM” website to see what all line of  they’re running. And this warning popped up.


 Posted by at 11:24 pm