Jun 102020

The Antifa Autonomous Zone of Capital Hill, Seattle, already has its own warlords enforcing their own laws. With exactly the amount of “de-escalatory skill” and accountability that you’d expect from the sort of people who think that ACAB.

Honestly? Funny as hell, right here. Violence, threats of violence, claims of power and authority not based on actual respectable attainment or rule of law but sheer force.

I’m torn here. On one hand, these sort of nonsensical whackaloon “zones” should be rousted out by the National Guard, the leaders rounded up and deported to North Korea. On the other hand, it will be useful and instructive to let at least a few of them go on for at least a little while. They will demonstrate the result of leftist policies, the inevitable end-state of socialism. They also demonstrate gloriously the difference between anarchism and libertarianism… both disdain government, but libertarians respect private property (at least in theory). These socialist d-bags actively *disrespect* private property, and thus each and every one of them feels it good and proper to trash other peoples stuff. And clearly a good number of them are already falling into tribes with self-appointed headmen. As things devolve and get more violent and brutal, it will be interesting to see how many of these warlords are women or alphabetters.

Capital Hill Autonomous Zone Already Has Wannabe Warlords & Dictators


Anarchy in Seattle

These are the ideologues that Pelosi & Co. are kow-towing to.

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And in some lighter news…


This seems somehow relevant:


 Posted by at 9:32 pm