Jun 122020

The Antifa/BLM/commie scumbags who are trying to set up their own little nation in Seattle have released a list of “demands.” There is really only one way to read the list… with an Australian accent and with a liberal sprinkling of mockery and expletives.

You may question, as I do, what an “autonomous zone” is doing making demands of Seattle, Washington state or the US Federal Government. Wall them in. Let current residents escape; let those who want to join go in. Give it a week or so… then slam the doors. Current residents can file for reparations (anything left behind is almost certain to be burned, torn down and defiled), payments to be made from a fund created by nationalizing the funds of the Democratic Socialists, the Democrat Party, any and all Communist, Antifa and BLM organizations. Add an extra “kneelers tax,” perhaps, any government official or employee who takes a knee gets to pay a hundred bucks into a pot to help pay for the damages created by their fellow travelers.

 Posted by at 9:40 am