Dec 182018

For some years I have been operating the “Aerospace Projects Review Patreon” which provides monthly rewards in the form of high resolution scans of vintage aerospace diagrams, art and documents. This has worked pretty well, but it seems that perhaps some people might prefer to sign on more directly. Fortunately, PayPal provides the option not only for one-time purchases but also monthly subscriptions. By subscribing using the drop-down menu below, you will receive the same benefits as APR Patrons, but without going through Patreon itself.

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 Posted by at 6:10 pm
Dec 182018

See, CBS? It’s really not all that hard to do at least *something* right. Here’s what one fan with some free time was able to create. The original Enterprise design replacing the unnecessarily retconned Discoprise, but given a modern cinematic gloss, looks freakin’ gorgeous.

Yes, yes, the model is a little wrong: it depicts the “series” Enterprise and not the “Menagerie” Enterprise, with a few detail differences such as the bridge and the nacelle-spikes. Still… it’s so much better than the Discoprise that it’s not even close to funny.

Make sure to read the credits.

 Posted by at 1:03 pm
Dec 182018

The only way this could be improved? If  instead of five puffs of “fart spray” it unleashed a torrent of thioacetone.

Or… instead of glitter it threw out an innocuous white powder, and instead of the fart spray a recording announced “Thank you for volunteering for our bioweapons dispersion test program. You will be tracked over the next several days to see how quickly you succumb. Your nation thanks you for your sacrifice.”

 Posted by at 2:21 am
Dec 172018

The judgy, judgy, judgemental judge.

CNN seems to have gotten a copy of the prepared homily written by (or at least for) Reverend LaCuesta, the remarks given at the funeral of a teenager who committed suicide. It’s not exactly as has been previously suggested, but to me it doesn’t read as being entirely  sensitive to the family. I kinda get where he was going with this, that suicides *can* get that golden ticket into Heaven if God is in a good mood that day, but  it still comes across a bit… I dunno. Speechifyin’ for funerals isn’t really my forte. All I know about funerals is that the dead guy is the *least* important person there. Whether you say good thing about him or bad… he’s not going to give a damn. He’s dead. It’s like praising or damning a cinderblock: it’s just not going to care. The people that matter are the mourners (or potentially celebrants, depending on how bad of a scumbag the dead guy was), so the ramblings need to be tailored to them. The preacherman needs to balance saying things to soothe their pain with things to keep them from doing stupid stuff; I imagine that’s usually straightforward, but with suicides that’s doubtless trickier. From a Catholic standpoint I have no idea if this homily as written fits the bill. Additionally, without video evidence I have no idea if this was the speech as actually given. And the best written speech in the world can be trashed by a bad delivery. So… shrug.

At a teen’s funeral, a priest condemned suicide and ‘basically called our son a sinner,’ mother says

One the one hand, calling a dead kid a sinner seems a tad tacky. On the other hand… have you *met* Christianity? That’s kinda the point. Humans are terrible, terrible creatures: flawed, imperfect beings slapped together by a perfect and infallible supreme being who loves us so much he has a lake of fire set aside just for us. Yeah, doesn’t make much sense to me either, but there it is… turn on a televangelist or radio preacher, and that’s what they’re forever yammering on about. Really, the only truly surprising thing a Catholic homily for a dead person could contain that would really surprise me would be if the priest started going on about how the dead guy has very likely found a home in the halls of Valhalla alongside Odin and the Einherjar. That would make me raise an eyebrow somewhat.

The homily is available in PDF form here.

 Posted by at 9:49 pm
Dec 172018

“Homemade” is fine. “Parachute” is wonderful. “Homemade parachute” is a combination that just screams “this will not end well.” And… behold:

Teenager dies after homemade parachute fails to open during stunt cheered on by mum

A Ukrainian teenager decided it would be a hoot to jump off the top of an apartment building with a “homemade parachute.” Two problems: firstly, the chute didn’t open; secondly, the apartment building was lethally tall, but too short for a parachute, even a proper one, to open adequately. 140 feet ain’t gonna cut it.

Something that probably could have been learned with a few minute online, studying something other than modern woke poetry.

Makiivka is in an area of eastern Ukraine controlled by pro-Russian forces.

Locals know the scene of the tragedy as “doomed tall building” because of other deaths.

“This is the third teenager within the last year,” said one local on a social network.

 Posted by at 5:31 pm
Dec 172018

Somebody merits a PR whoopin’.

Retired police dog dumped at Mississippi shelter

Short form: Ringo was a K9 cop for the Jackson, MS, police department. After nine years he retired and was thought to be living with his handler… but the handler had dumped him at the shelter. Ringo was rescued and is now living with his original trainer… who won’t be training any more dogs for the Jackson PD. The handler has been demoted.

You can probably see into this story a whole lot of metaphors.

 Posted by at 5:13 pm
Dec 172018

Recently a student at Columbia went on, if you believe the mainstream medias narrative, a “racist rant” where he said such horrifyingly politically incorrect things as: “I love myself and I love my people … I don’t hate other people, I just love myself. I just love white men.” This was in response to being set upon by a larger group of people who berated him for having the gall to be a white Trump supporter in public. Since this is the world we live in, this was responded to by the likes of CNN contributor TimWise who tweeted:

If you see that as a call for violence… well, it sure reads that way.

So the world is, at least for the moment, falling upon the kid who dared to like white people. But he’s not just any regular drunken college student; he’s apparently a bit of a physics and math genius, who has already written several books on quantum physics. Low and behold, they are available on Amazon and are climbing the charts:

  Which is currently #5 best seller in the Amazon Quantum Theory section.

Which is currently #12 in Quantum Theory.



They seem to be based on the idea that he thinks he has some novel new theory of how the universe works. Does he? Well… in general I am *highly* skeptical of any claims of New Theories Of The Universe because, let’s face it, there are thousands of ’em and the great majority are bunk. And the idea of a truly new understanding of reality being cranked out by a 15-year-old strikes me as something right out of a really bad Disney Channel movie. But for all I know he *might* be on to something. or he *might* be an engaging reader. or you *might* want to financially support the guy because for the next little while the authoritarians who hold the reins of power are going to try to destroy him.

 Posted by at 2:35 pm
Dec 172018

While there have been times when I’d’ve loved to have had the police show up because some idjit had an excessively and needlessly loud vehicle – such as the Honda in this video – it would be best if the police actually knew *why* they were showing up toting fully automatic assault weapons with barrel shrouds, 30-caliber clip to disperse with 30 bullets within half a second, 30 magazine clip within half a second and shoulder things that go up.


Lest ya thing I’m drunk posting… here’s what I’m yammering about.

 Posted by at 1:36 pm
Dec 172018

(via the blog of one David Thompson)

Who doesn’t like themselves some good poetry? Well, as it turns out if you don’t like *all* poetry, you’re committing an act of violence:

Mister Guzman, who has apparently deleted his twitter account after accusing people who don’t like his poetry of having “toxic masculinity,” wrote this… “poem:”

My heart was a dystopian
berry budding in water tiger
lilies claiming
hocus-pocus wonder. I was broken
vanity, vixen vase, victorious tête-
à-tête — the Scrabble game nobody won
because the tiles aspired speculums.
I know that art is subjective. But… am I alone in thinking that this seems less like something an artist slaved over and more like something that was produced via a simple app that selects words out of the dictionary at random? In any case, the “poem” continues:
Twerking in church,
I outperformed the candles
diarized in the simpleminded annexation.       Wussup,
with the veiniest homebound
pika-pika aim?
Wussup, Sims
Chumbawamba Family Portrait Simulation?
St. Sunny of the Sissies
beheld the bukkake throng

Ummm. What. WHAT.

And that’s not all of the “poem,” it goes on for a while more. But you get the idea.

The dictionary definition of “art” leads off with:

the quality, production, expression, or realm, according to aesthetic principles, of what is beautiful, appealing, or of more than ordinary significance.

That doesn’t really seem to apply to the random word salad posted above.

Now, I’ve never heard of this feller before, and I bet you haven’t either. He’s hardly the poet laureate of the United States, so why pick on him? Well, not because I have any interest in the man; after I hit “post,” unless there are comments responding to this I’ll probably put the whole thing out of my mind and never think of him, his terrible opinions or terrible art ever again. But there will always be this tiny nattering thought in the back of my noggin reminding me that randomized gobbledygook such as this will not only find a market, but a market of prattling nincompoops with outsized cultural impacts, ready to declare anyone who doesn’t like this cheap dreck to be not only the lowest form of ill-bred philistine but also very likely a fascist.

Best case scenario: it turns out that Mr. Guzman doesn’t actually exist. He is, in fact, a hoax, fabricated by some jokesters wishing to prove that the modern poetry scene has so debased its own standards that it’ll glom onto anything, no matter how talent-free, so long as it displays sufficient wokeness. Sadly, I don’t think that’s the case here.

 Posted by at 4:37 am